The following is a Linux dictionary word of the day:
ac – command that displays how long users have been
connected to the system.
parameter stands for day.
-y parameter stands for year.
-y parameter stands for year.
ac -d -y
Linux is utilized within the world of information technology in a very broad manner. Therefore, the items presented here are core tasks that encompass real world scenarios that are applicable to a system administrator, power user and an end user or student looking to further their knowledge in this area.
The guide is meant to be utilized by an individual who will be reviewing via demonstration format these core tasks. The commands are grouped by topic.
Linux is an operating system based off of Unix. It is well respected and utilized for workstations, file servers and web servers. This guide covers aspects that an end user will find useful in their everyday tasks.
The guide is meant to be utilized by an individual who will be reviewing via a demonstration format some core aspects as well as tips & tricks that a general user who will be using Linux – can utilize in order to save time. The guide can also be used by any individual interested in self-study learning some core and key aspects of Linux.