Monday, August 28, 2023

Linux - Chown

The following is a Linux dictionary word of the day:

chown – change the user and/or group ownership of a given file or directory.

-R parameter for recursive traverse through all contents where command is run from.

Note: only a user with root access can use the chown command.

Example: chown -R root:name_of_group name_of_folder

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Linux Wildcard and Meta Characters Instructor Guide

In Linux, wildcards and meta-characters are invaluable tools for efficient file manipulation and pattern matching. The concepts and examples presented here explore specific commonly utilized wildcards and metacharacters, accompanied by practical and advanced command examples to demonstrate their usage in real-world scenarios. The material will be useful to a system administrator, power user, end user or student looking to further their knowledge in this area. 

The guide is meant to be utilized by an individual who will be reviewing via demonstration format these core topics.


Instructor or End User Set-up:

Create Example Files:

Common Wildcards:

Asterisk (*)

Question mark (?)

Square brackets ([])

Curly braces ({})

Tilde (~)

Backslash (\)

Exclamation mark (!)

Common Character Classes:

Asterisk (*)

Question Mark (?)

Range of Characters ([])









Common Meta-Characters:

Pipe (|)

Greater than (>)

Double greater than (>>)

Less than (<)

Caret (^)

Dollar Sign ($)

Ampersand (&)

Semicolon (;)

Combining Wildcards and Meta-Characters


About the Author:
